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Time for a pack check!

Listed below is what I carry in my "regular" search pack as well as the additional stuff in my 48 hour pack I carry in the event of a longer or more distant mission. I try to get everything down to two packs or a small pack and a large duffel. This way if we end up carpooling it's much easier to grab two bags and go rather than make multiple trips or be disorganized when other team members (or a helicopter) is waiting.

My avalanche pack contents are also listed below.

Day search pack & clothing

I carry the day pack on almost every mission, unless we're doing an in-city or fine evidence search. Even then, I'll have a waist pack with a minimum of first aid kit and water for dog and myself. I've used everything listed on missions and in training.

Depending on the type of search, I may also have the following optional equipment:

Dog equipment:

Avalanche pack

As much as possible, light and fast is the order of the day here. Contents are the same as my day pack, omitting some clothing, shelter materials (except tarp and pad), some food and water, and adding:

Overnight/Flight/Travel pack

Some call this the 48 hour pack. I always bring the following with me to every search. It usually stays in my vehicle, but it's come in handy multiple times, like when we've been called from one mission to another, or working in a little camping on the way back from a mission.

Optional items:

Radio chest pack detail (apart from the radio):

Spare Clothing bag detail:

First Aid kit detail:

Optional suggestions

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Text and photos copyright Dan Comden, 1995-2004 Dan Comden
Seattle, WA U.S.A.
Email -- dan*@* (remove the asterisks around the "@" symbol)